Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

The Seminar on High-Quality Development of Sino-Irish Educational Cooperation Was Held Successfully


The seminar on high-quality development of Sino-Irish Educational Cooperation, sponsored by Chang 'an Dublin International College of  Transportation at Chang 'an University, was held in Chang 'an University from June 9 to 10. With the theme of 'Integrated Innovation and High-quality Development of China-Ireland Education in the New Era', the conference aimed to establish an exchange platform for three Chinese and foreign cooperative educational institutions collaborating with University College Dublin, Ireland. The goal was to facilitate the exchange and sharing of experiences, practices, and reflections in operational and developmental processes, as well as jointly discussing innovative measures under new circumstances. The aim is to fully leverage the pivotal role of institutions in deeply integrating teaching concepts across disciplines, introducing high-quality educational resources, promoting transformation and upgrading within China-Ireland cooperative education. This will serve as a model for high-quality Sino-foreign cooperative education within the country by further enhancing international education standards.

The meeting was attended by 40 participants, including Shang Changchun, Secretary-General of the Sino-Foreign Cooperation Branch of Shaanxi Higher Education Society; Du Qiang, Assistant President of Chang 'an University; Party Committee leaders from Beijing Dublin International College at Beijing University of Technology, Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology at South China Agricultural University, and Chang 'an Dublin International College of  Transportation at Chang 'an University; as well as heads of various departments and core members. The opening ceremony was chaired by Zhao Liang, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Chang’an Dublin International College of Transportation.

seminar venue

Du Qiang fully acknowledged the pivotal role of Chang'an Dublin International College of Transportation in introducing international advanced educational resources, catalyzing internal development momentum, and advancing the school's internationalization process. He urged partner colleges and universities to leverage this seminar as an opportunity to explore new models, experiences, and ideas for Sino-foreign cooperation in education from diverse perspectives. Together, they can drive integration and innovation in Sino-Irish collaboration in education and contribute to the school's pursuit of 'double first-class' construction while steadily enhancing its international standing.

Du Qiang delivered a speech

Shang Changchun emphasized that the collaboration between China and foreign countries in operating educational institutions has become a crucial strategic pillar for expanding international education cooperation and driving a new phase of competition and development in higher education. All institutions should deeply comprehend that opening up to the outside world is a pivotal starting point for breaking through developmental bottlenecks, and they should collaborate to mobilize and integrate all resources, clarify development concepts and implementation pathways, earnestly promote educational reform and teaching innovation, and contribute practical actions to advance China-Ireland education cooperation.

Shang Changchun delivered a speech

At the meeting, Wu Wenying, Dean of Beijing Dublin International College, delivered a report entitled 'Reflections on the High-quality Development of Sino-Irish Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Education'. The report elaborated on various thoughts and exploration paths for constructing a characteristic teaching staff system in Sino-foreign cooperation schools based on the general situation of Sino-Irish Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools, the development history of Beijing-Dublin International College, and the practice of teaching staff construction. Feng Lixin, Dean of Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology, presented a speech titled 'Ten years of honing the sword, now charging boldly into the futureThe Decade of China-Ireland Higher Education Cooperation in South China Agricultural University', exchanging and sharing development practices to enhance international education quality and promote integration and innovation. Wang Hainian, Dean of Chang 'an Dublin International College of  Transportation delivered a report entitled 'Building Up New Momentum for Cooperative Education Setting Sail on a New Journey Of Opening up And Development - Training Practice of International Talents In New engineering + Large transportation + International Highway Transportation'. This report presents innovative ideas and key measures to advance the college's pursuit of high-quality education and comprehensive development through initiatives such as enhancing first-class disciplines, promoting internationalization among faculty members, integrating campus resources effectively, shaping the characteristics of Sino-foreign cooperative school students and their unique training pathways, as well as the value-added impact of talent cultivation. Subsequently, participants engaged in group discussions to actively explore new ideas and strategies for effectively blending and innovating Chinese and foreign educational models while enhancing the quality of talent development.

Wu Wenying delivered a speech

Feng Lixin delivered a speech

Wang Hainian delivered a speech

Party building research

Party building research

University College Dublin is Ireland's most internationally renowned national university and is also recognized as one of the world's top research institutions, ranking in the top 1% in the 2023 QS World University rankings. The university is committed to providing high-quality teaching and research education. Chang'an University, Beijing University of Technology, and South China Agricultural University are all national 'double first-class' universities. In recent years, they have actively responded to the state's call to accelerate and expand educational openness in the new era. Leveraging the strong disciplinary expertise of University College Dublin with significant international influence, these universities have maximized their disciplinary advantages to promote cooperation in teaching and research. This collaboration aims to provide students with a comprehensive education that integrates Chinese and Western professional knowledge, bilingual proficiency, and enhances students' overall quality and core competitiveness through undergraduate programs such as Road Engineering, Vehicle Engineering, Finance, Biological Sciences, Horticulture.

The successful hosting of this seminar has provided valuable experience for the three institutions to further integrate the strengths of Chinese and foreign educational resources and achieve the 'dual-drive' development of high-quality international talent training and scientific research cooperation. In the future, the three Sino-Irish cooperative educational institutions will continue to focus on building a leading demonstration base for Sino-foreign educational cooperation through integrating and innovating educational models, as well as providing high-quality cooperative education. They aim to cultivate a model for international exchanges and cooperation in national higher education.

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