Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

The International Cooperation and Exchanges Department of Huazhong Agricultural University Visits Our College


On the afternoon of April 3, a delegation consisting of Zeng Hongxia, Director of the International Cooperation and Exchanges Department at Huazhong Agricultural University, and three other members visited our institute for research purposes. The meeting was attended by Shao Jiasheng (Secretary of the Party Committee of the College), Feng Lixin (Dean of the College), and Hao Gang (Vice Dean of the College).

Dean Feng Lixin warmly welcomed Director Zeng Hongxia and her delegation, and provided an overview of the University's international education development history. He specifically highlighted the progress and accomplishments of Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools over the past decade, particularly since receiving approval from the Ministry of Education in 2012. Dean Feng also emphasized the construction and advancement of Sino-foreign cooperative educational institutions at our University, including the establishment of the upgraded version of South China Agricultural University Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology in 2020 after eight years of educational accumulation.

Director Zeng Hongxia expressed her gratitude for the warm reception extended by the College. She acknowledged the remarkable achievements of Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology in implementing international education, as well as its extensive experience in Chinese-foreign cooperation in education, which serves as a valuable model for learning. It is hoped that this exchange and research will offer valuable insights and support for the development of international education at Huazhong Agricultural University.

Subsequently, the two parties engaged in comprehensive exchanges and discussions regarding party development, discipline construction, faculty establishment, personnel training system, quality assurance mechanism, student management and services.

Related staff from General Committee Office (Student Affairs Office), Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Office (English Teaching Center) participated in the discussion meeting.

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