Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Dr. Qianwang ZHENG


Dr. Qianwang ZHENG

Associate Professor

College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University 



Dr. Zheng Qianwang is the associate professor and master’s supervisor at the Food College of South China Agricultural University. She graduated from Sun Yat-sen University and National University of Singapore successively. Her current research focuses on the structure-activity relationship of functional active substances in edible fungi, in-depth processing of edible fungi, microbial contamination and control in food, as well as biological preservation technology. In recent years, she has published over 20 SCI papers in international authoritative journals and has led or participated in numerous national, provincial, and ministerial level scientific research projects with research funds exceeding 2 million yuan.

Research Interests

Researching the structure-activity relationship of functional active substances, advanced processing of edible fungi, microbial contamination and food control, as well as biological preservation and preservation technology.


Undergraduate courses: Microbiology A (Bilingual), Food Microbiology (English), Principles of Fermentation Engineering Process

Postgraduate courses: English Scientific Paper Writing and Academic Exchange (PhD), Bioengineering Information Retrieval, Literature Review and Intellectual Property

Selected Publications

1. Qianwang Zheng, Caroline Bustandi, Yishan Yang, Schneider Keith R., Hyun-Gyun Yuk*, Comparison of enrichment broths for the recovery of healthy and heat-injured Salmonella Typhimurium on raw duck wings, Journal of Food Protection, 2013, 76(11): 1963-1938

2. Qianwang Zheng, Marta Mika-Krajnik, Yishan Yang, Wang Xu, Hyun-Gyun Yuk*, Real-time PCR method combined with immunomagnetic separation for detecting healthy and heat-injured Salmonella Typhimurium on raw duck wings, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2014, 186: 6-13

3. Qianwang Zheng, Marta Mika-Krajnik, Craig D’Souza, Yishan Yang, Da-Jeong Heo, Si-Kyung Kim, Seung-Cheol Lee, Hyun-Gyun Yuk*, Growth of healthy and sanitizer-injured Salmonella cells on mung bean sprouts in different commercial enrichment broths, with an emphasis on failure of lactose broth for Salmonella enrichment, Food Microbiology, 2015,52: 159-168

4. Qianwang Zheng, Marta Mika-Krajnik, Yishan Yang, Sang-Myun Lee, Seung-Cheol Lee, Hyun-Gyun Yuk*, Evaluation of real-time PCR coupled with immunomagnetic separation or centrifugation for the detection of healthy and sanitizer-injured Salmonella spp. on mung bean sprouts, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2016, 222: 48-55

5. Xueqin Yang, Qianwang ZhengΨ, Linzhi Kang, Qiongjie Li, Zhiwei Ye, Junfang Lin, Liqiong Guo, Tao Wei. Production of resveratrol in Flammulina velutipes by combinatorial expression of its biosynthetic genes. Industrial Crops & Products, 2018, 112:755-761.

6. Bao-Lin He, Li-Qiong Guo, Qian-Wang Zheng*, Shuo-Xin Lin, Jun-Fang Lin*, Tao Wei, Zhi-Wei Ye. A simple and effective method using macroporous resins for the simultaneous decoloration and deproteinisation of Cordyceps militaris polysaccharides. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2019, 54:1741-1751

7. Qianwang Zheng, Tao Wei, Yin Lin, Zhiwei Ye, Junfang Lin*, Liqiong Guo*, Fan Yun, Lin-Zhi Kang. Developing a novel two-stage fermentation for carotenoid production by Cordyceps militaris. Internation Journal of Medicinal Mushroom, 2019, 21(1):47-57

8. Longzhen Lin, Qianwang Zheng*, Junfang Lin, Hyun-Gyun Yuk, Liqiong Guo*. Immuno- and nucleic acid-based current technique for Salmonella detection in food. European Food Research and Technology, 2020, 246:373-395.

9. Bao-Lin He, Qian-Wang Zheng*, Li-Qiong Guo, Jen-Yi Huang, Fan Yun, Shi-Shi Huang, Jun-Fang Lin*. Structural characterization and immune-enhancing activity of a novel high-molecular-weight polysaccharide from Cordyceps militaris. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 145:11-20.

10. Shishi Huang, Tay Boon Hui, Hyun-Gyun Yuk, Qianwang Zheng*. Development of an effective two-step enrichment process to enhance BAX system detection of healthy and injured Salmonella Enteritidis in liquid whole egg and egg yolk. Journal of Food Protection, 2020, 83(3):397-404.

Research Projects

1. Study on the mechanism of Cordyceps Pupa polymer Polysaccharide alleviating the effect of high-fat diet through regulation of intestinal desulfurization Vibrio, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2020/01-2022/12, Host;

2. Research on Development and Key Technology of Functional food thickening agent of Tremella polysaccharide, Guangzhou Science and Technology Plan Project, 2019/04-2022/03, Host;

3. Study on the mechanism of reducing high-fat diet effect of Cordyceps pupa polymer Polysaccharide based on intestinal desulfurization Vibrio, Guangdong Natural Science Foundation (surface project), 2019/10-2022/09, Host;

4. New Cold Light Source LED antibacterial Technology and its application in Litchi cold chain Transportation, Guangdong International Science and Technology Cooperation Project, 2020/01-2021/12, Host;

5. Research on Tremella Polysaccharide Glycolysis and its Molecular Mechanism mediated by specific Intestinal flora, Provincial Major Scientific Research Project (Characteristic Innovation) of Guangdong Provincial Universities, 2019/05-2021/04, Host;

6. Special Fund for Young Science and Technology Talents, South China Agricultural University, 2018-2020, Host;

7. Isolation, purification, Structural Characterization and healthy Action Mechanism of immunomodulatory and antioxidant active Ingredients in Food Ingredients, Key project sub-project of the 13th Five-Year National Key Research and Development Plan, 2017/07-2020/12 , participated.

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