Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Foreign Students from 60 countries Showcased the Charm of Chinese Culture


Performance at the venue

The "Charming Guangdong Helps Me Realize My Dream" Gala for international students in Guangdong took place on December 18, 2023, at the Ding Ying Auditorium of South China Agricultural University. The event was attended by nearly 1,000 international students from 60 different countries.

The event was sponsored by the Guangdong Public Diplomacy Association, the Guangdong People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and the Guangdong Education International Exchange Association. It was organized by South China Agricultural University and the Foreign Students Working Committee of the Guangdong Higher Education Association, with support from the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education. Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology, Jinan University, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, South China Normal University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Shenzhen University, Southern Media Group and Guangdong Radio and Television were also involved in this event. Yuan Baocheng (Vice Chairman of Guangdong CPPCC and Vice President of GPD), Fu Lang (Executive Vice President of GPD), Huang Guoping (Second Inspector at GDFAO), and Li Fengliang (Party Secretary at SCAU) attended the event. The event was presided over by Feng Lixin (Dean of College of International Education at SCAU).

Yuan Baocheng delivered a speech

Yuan Baocheng stated that 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative. As a pioneer and experimental area of reform and opening up, Guangdong has been deeply involved in the construction of the "Belt and Road", which will create more opportunities for Sino-foreign exchanges and cooperation. He expressed his hope that through further study, students from Guangdong can deepen their understanding of China and Guangdong, acquire knowledge, forge friendships, and contribute their youth to promoting the construction of the "Belt and Road" as well as building a community with a shared future for mankind through practical actions.

Li Fengliang delivered a speech

Li Fengliang stated that South China Agricultural University is among the pioneering institutions in New China to admit foreign students and implement national education aid training. It is also one of the first agricultural-related training cooperation and exchange institutions authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Since the 1950s, it has nurtured over 2,000 international students from more than 140 countries, many of whom have emerged as outstanding elites and industry leaders upon returning to their home countries. He expressed his hope that young students from around the world could deepen exchanges and foster friendships at South China Agricultural University through this event, becoming friendly envoys to promote exchanges and mutual learning between countries, particularly between the host country and China, thereby contributing to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

South China Agricultural University "A Generation of Flowers and a Journey of Songs: Young People in Guangdong Recite Youth"

Shenzhen University "Dream Road"

South China University of Technology "Chinese Language"

The gala brought together international students from 10 universities, including Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology, Jinan University, South China Normal University, South China Agricultural University and Shenzhen University. They focused on the theme of "Uniting Youth Dreams and Building a Community with a shared future for Mankind" and presented various forms of artistic performances such as martial arts, singing and dancing, recitation, chorus, costume display and sand painting. The performances expressed the admiration for the rich traditional Chinese culture and Lingnan culture, acknowledged the progress and development of China and Guangdong province, and voiced the hope for the establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind.

After expert evaluation and scoring, three programs from South China Agricultural University, "A Generation of Flowers and a Journey of Songs: Young People in Guangdong Recite Youth," Shenzhen University's "Dream Road," and South China University of Technology's "Chinese Language" were awarded first prize. Six programs received the second prize, including Jinan University's "Friends Come from Afar", Sun Yat-sen University's "Mountain High Water Long", Southern Medical University's "Let the world be full of Love", Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine's "Martial Arts in Guangdong" and South China Normal University's "Martial Arts". Additionally, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies' "Youth is now" and Guangdong University of Finance and Economics' "The Moon represents my heart" were among eight programs that won the third prize.


Group photo

"The performances of international students are diverse and impressive, showcasing not only the youthful energy of college students, but also the cross-cultural communication and integration." said Xiao, a 2023 English major from the College of Foreign Languages at South China Agricultural University. "When I witnessed foreign students performing 'Chinese Language' on the stage of South China Agricultural University, I deeply felt the growing global influence of Chinese culture. Through this activity, I have gained a deeper understanding of the role that universities play in international exchanges."

Heads of pertinent departments and delegates from universities, including teachers and students, were in attendance at the performance.

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