Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Shi Lexuan


Shi Lexuan

BSc Biological Sciences

Year of entry: 2020

Graduation destination: Pursuing a doctoral degree in Animal Nutrition and Feed Science at Zhejiang University with exemption

Main Experience and Honors

During his undergraduate study, he served as the class monitor, the group leader of the sixth military training group at the school, a member of the 35th Student Union, vice captain of the campus image ambassador, and a member of three school teams including the pickleball team, tennis team and Taekwondo team. Additionally, he was a contracted player for Pickleball brand beesoul. He has achieved national scholarship and first-class scholarships from the University, and obtained a full scholarship for online research at University College Dublin during summer. He published one SCI (Region I) paper as the third author. He was also honored with the ninth “Star of SCAU”. Furthermore, he won the first prize in Guangdong Provincial Department of Education's "5.25" video competition and National College Students' E-commerce "Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship" competition. He was recognized as an "Advanced individual" in social practice activities at his school and excelled as an instructor in South China Agricultural University Military Training Group. His achievements have earned him titles such as "Outstanding Student Leader" and "Outstanding Military Training Instructor."

 ★Speak for the Biological Sciences Program

Biology is a key discipline in Guangdong Province. As a Sino-foreign cooperative program in biological sciences, our university boasts not only strong faculty but also abundant international resources. For instance, the program offers full English instruction by foreign teachers, guidance on constructing and composing English essays, access to a paper search platform (University College Dublin Library), as well as advanced foreign teaching resources such as EAP, GSE, Oxford University online courses, and University College Dublin online courses. Additionally, the students benefit from thesis instruction related to biology by foreign teachers (e.g., GM foods and genetic editing), which serves to broaden their horizons and deepen their understanding of biological sciences. Furthermore, the college organizes weekend activities where students can gain insight into foreign teaching methods through online meetings while also acquiring academic and cultural knowledge. Upon graduation, students receive degree certificates from both South China Agricultural University and University College Dublin in Ireland—undoubtedly it is an excellent springboard for future study abroad opportunities. Students have the option to spend four years studying on campus without going abroad. This allows them to experience domestic university life while having more opportunities for face-to-face communication with foreign teachers to improve their oral English proficiency and master professional knowledge.

If you have a passion for biology and chemistry, then pursuing biological sciences as your major would be an ideal choice. Additionally, if you aspire to enhance your proficiency in reading and writing English papers, engaging in discussions with international educators, improving oral communication skills, and gaining a global perspective, the Sino-foreign cooperation program in biological sciences is the perfect fit for you.

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