Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences

& Technology at South China Agricultural University

Outstanding student: “Model of Arts and Sports” -Tang Xiaojie: Moss flowers are as small as rice, yet they also learn to bloom like peonies.


Tang Xiaojie, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a student from 2020 cohort majoring in Food Quality and Safety (Sino-Foreign Cooperative program). She currently holds positions as the head of the school wind orchestra, the student image ambassador of the school, the vice minister of the Handball Association at the school.

During the schooling time, she was awarded the national scholarship once, the Ding Ying Scholarship once, and the first-class scholarship twice. She also received honor titles such as the 8th undergraduate "Star of China" nomination award, the school's “Model of Arts and Sports”, the school's "Excellent Communist Youth League model", and the school's "excellent student leader". In terms of arts and sports achievements, she achieved the second place in women's Group A and the third place in dribbling shooting at the China University Students Handball Challenge, as well as the third place in Women's Group A at the China University Students Handball Championship. Additionally, she secured the second place in women's Group A at Beach Handball Championship and won silver prizes at various music competitions including Guangdong Music Invitational Competition and "Fanfa Cup". Over the past three years, she has dedicated more than 230 hours to volunteer service through social practice activities and achieved the second prize in the "Three visits to the countryside" social practice activity in the summer of 2022.

The pursuit of knowledge and physical activities are mutually beneficial

Question:You have excelled in both academic study and arts and sports fields. Could you please share your approach to balancing these two aspects?

Answer: In fact, I believe that academic study and sports activities are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary. Whether it is learning, engaging in cultural and sports activities, or participating in social practice, the key is to harness internal motivation and enhance practical execution. When facing any task, we should approach it with utmost enthusiasm, understand its purpose and significance, devise a solid plan, and gradually complete and refine it to achieve the desired outcome. Applying the analytical and comparative skills developed through academic study to competition preparation can better equip us to analyze opponents and counter their tactics. Integrating cultural and sports activities into our lives can also serve as a daily psychological adjustment tool for stress relief.

Refine priorities and ensure optimal efficiency


Question:During the past three years of academic study and student work, what has been the most significant challenge you have encountered? How did you overcome it?

Answer:In the midst of rigorous daily academic demands, including high-intensity study, experiments, student work, extracurricular activities and interpersonal communication, effectively managing my time has emerged as a significant challenge in my academic life. Confronting this challenge entails establishing clear priorities, organizing and categorizing current tasks, and striving to optimize the efficiency of each activity. I will prioritize completing fragmented yet urgent tasks before allocating substantial blocks of time for tackling more complex learning assignments. Personally, I find that learning cannot be effectively accomplished in short intervals; therefore, it is imperative for me to allocate extended periods for focused contemplation. Furthermore, I view participation in extracurricular and athletic pursuits as an essential means of relaxation following intense study sessions.

Enhance your vision and pursue loftier objectives

Question: As the recipient of the title “Model of Arts and Sports”, how do you perceive this honor?

Answer:This honor would not have been attainable without the nurturing and guidance of my parents and teachers, as well as the support and motivation from my peers and friends. It serves as a validation of my past endeavors, but being recognized as “Model of Arts and Sports” compels me to look forward and strive for loftier aspirations. In this new era, the demands on young individuals are for holistic and diversified development, with hopes that it will inspire more students to explore their interests in arts or sports, enrich their cultural and spiritual lives through cultural and sporting activities, and continuously bolster their self-assurance.

Message to the younger students

We must acknowledge the insignificance of human existence, as well as the potential of human capability. Instead of merely dreaming and worrying, take action; there are still more beautiful experiences ahead, and your own opportunities will always flourish for you.

  “Model of Arts and Sports”

This award program, conducted by South China Agricultural University, aims to study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress and fulfill the fundamental task of cultivating morality and nurturing talent. It seeks to commend excellence, identify exemplary individuals, stimulate students' interest in cultural and sports activities, promote the all-round development of students' moral character, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor skills, and create a positive campus cultural atmosphere. This annual project selects 10 "Model of Arts and Sports" as well as several "advanced individuals of Arts and Sports."

The selection of “Model of Arts and Sports” requires students to solidify their ideals and beliefs, actively practice socialist core values, study diligently, innovate proactively, achieve outstanding academic performance, and serve as exemplary leaders. They should also demonstrate enthusiasm for sports and athletic activities, and excel in major sports competitions or artistic endeavors.

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