题 目:Temporary migration and land renting behavior作 者:Le Wen(文乐); Krishna P. Paudel*; Qiny...
题 目:The impact of blockchain technology on the online purchase behavior of green agricultural pro...
作者: 张沁岚、段伟期刊:《中国农村经济》出版时间:2023年12月,第12期DOI:10.20077/j.cnki.11-1262/f.2024...
题 目:How will power outages affect the national economic growth: Evidence from 152 countries姓 名...
题 目:How to build supply chain resilience: The role of fit mechanisms between digitally-driven bus...
题目:Manufacturer encroachment with competing dual-purpose online retailplatforms作 者:Song Huang...
题目:Green relational capital, integration capabilities and environmental innovation adoption: The ...
题目:The impact of environmental information disclosure of origin using blockchain technology on on...